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    Public Relations

    Du Plain Global Enterprises, Inc. offers a wide range of public relations services from press conference coordination to strategic media outreach.

    Special Events

    We offer professional special event planning services for organizations including such notables as Passport DC’s Around the World Embassy Tour and Winternational at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, as well as performing arts events, awards ceremonies and galas at the National Press Club.


    Our world-class event photography has appeared in media outlets across Washington including The Washington Diplomat, Washington Life Magazine, The Washington Post and Washingtonian Magazine.


    Du Plain Global Enterprises, Inc. offers a variety of professional marketing services to its clients that range from integrated email and social media campaigns to event ticket sales management.


    Our videography services include full video footage of events as well as editing of video clips and vignettes from programs.


    Du Plain Global Enterprises, Inc. offers comprehensive fundraising services ranging from proposal writing to corporate sponsor outreach.

    Image Consulting

    Our image consultant has over a decade of experience with members of the media, business leaders, and other clients from all over the world.





    Get in touch

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